Just a little update to my previous post to say that I've now signed with Amazon Publishing. I woke up this morning, made a cup of tea and read over the contract again, and then I got all excited and signed it! So now it's official, and a few hours on I have to keep reminding myself that it's true. The three books in my Jefferson Tayte Genealogical Crime Mystery series will be re-published in April with Thomas & Mercer, with my new book coming out a couple of months after that, all being well.
Since this all came about, I've been reflecting on not being an indie author any more and I'm feeling a bit melancholy about that, not least because of the journey I've had since I started out. Of course, I have Amazon to thank for giving me the opportunity to self publish for the Kindle in the first place and for a platform on which to build a readership. Since then, in part because of this and for their forward-thinking attitude, Amazon Publishing has been high on my list of publishers I would have liked to sign with.
Looking back to when I started out in 2005, it was always my dream to get a publishing deal, but on reflection I'm so glad it didn't just happen overnight when my agent first sent In the Blood out. If it had, I know now that I would have missed out on so much. Being an independent author for the last two years has taught me a great deal, and I've met so many fine people along the way, readers and writers alike, who are all very much a part of why I'm so excited today. Because of my journey, I'm sure I'll always be an indie at heart. It's a club that's open to all and I'm very proud of it.
Now, I'm really looking forward to finding out what the future holds for me and Jefferson Tayte. I'm not exactly sure what happens next, but I expect I'll soon find out. I have some forms to fill in with information about my existing books and we're going to be working on them to get them ready for April. I'm very pleased and excited about working with Amazon Publishing, who are by all accounts great people to work with, and I'm sure there will be more excitement to come.
A big thank you to everyone who has played a part in getting me here, whether you bought one of my books, wrote a review, recommended me or chatted with me on one of the forums. I'll be sure to keep you posted as my journey continues. And yes, Patti... You can put me down to buy the sandwiches at the next forum meeting. :o)