I've very pleased to announce that my new historical thriller, The Penmaker's Wife is out now in all formats worldwide!
Okay, it's not too dark. If you can handle Peaky Blinders I think you'll be fine with The Penmaker's Wife, which is also set in Birmingham, although a little earlier, in the late 1800s.

I was in what I imagine was a small minority of TV series viewers when I wrote this book, in that I hadn't seen a single episode of Peaky Blinders. That is until my Publisher Thomas & Mercer wrote the following comparison: 'Alias Grace meets Peaky Blinders in this tale of obsession, ambition and murder in Victorian England.' How could I not watch the TV series after reading that? Having now binge-watched the first five seasons, I'm actually in withdrawal as I wait with everyone else to watch season 6. Gripping stuff! I can't get enough of it!

So why did I set my book in Birmingham? The simple answer is trains and pens. Early on in the book Angelica Chastain has to flee from London with her young son, William. As the rail link between London's Euston station and Birmingham was already well established by the time the story takes place -- initially running to Curzon Street in 1837 and then New Street from 1851 -- it was a logical choice. More importantly, I chose Birmingham because it was then the centre of Britain's thriving pen-making industry. I had a great time with the research for this book, exploring Birmingham's Victorian streets and suburbs, and the riches of the Jewellery Quarter.
If you'd like to discover more about me and my books, please visit my website. To order a copy of The Penmaker's Wife from Amazon, here's a link.
Praise for The Penmaker's Wife from Amazon UK readers:
'An incredible, shocking and chilling masterpiece.'
'I didn’t see the final twist coming at all but I’m not going to say anymore as you need to read this book for yourself to find out the delights that are contained in its pages.'
'A tale told cleverly leading this reader with mixed emotions about the central character- but I cannot say more without spoiling it for A N Other. Steve Robinson is an author to follow.'
'This is a brilliant book and I highly recommend this to those who enjoy getting totally engrossed in a tale of struggle and determination to escape their past and improve life for their children.'
'Masterfully transporting. Loved It! A well orchestrated story of love, despair, deception and survival.'
'It was very good indeed, totally unexpected and original. Well written too. A good one!'
'Very cleverly written. The author brings alive London and Birmingham during the late 1800s.'
'Page turner. I wasn't sure if this was going to be as riveting as Jefferson Tayte's stories but I was not disappointed. Excellent story. I couldn't put it down.'
'Great story. Didn't want to put it down. Steve Robinson writes historical drama so well.'
'I loved this book, I didn't really know what to expect, but from the minute I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. So cleverly written with lots of twists.'
'The writing style captivated me and held my attention throughout and I truly could not have guessed the ending.'
'The historical detail included made you feel as if you were really there in Victorian times.'
'What a very brilliantly written book. I loved the characters and especially how the story was delivered.'
'I found this book to be a compelling historical noir. It grabbed me from the first couple of pages and I found it very hard to put down!'
'What a twist! … I highly recommend this book.'