My copy editor has sent the manuscript for my new Jefferson Tayte genealogical mystery back to me for editing. I would have thought that after ten books my own editing would be pretty good by now, but my goodness no. I went through it twice before I sent it in, and yet there are so many little things still to fix. Conclusive proof, if ever any were needed, that authors need editors. They are the unsung heroes of publishing! Thankfully the fixes are all little things. No major issues. I can also report that she said she 'loved it!' as I hope you will, too.
Once I've finished these edits, I have a pro proofreader/editor lined up for early February. After that, more reading and formatting for the Kindle and paperback editions. With less than two months to go, I'm very excited about this release. Not least because it's been a couple of years since I've had a new Jefferson Tayte book out, and I can't wait to hear what you think about it.