Saturday, 15 February 2014

Book 4 update and new edition paperback photos

I've finished!

Just a small post this week to share the news that I've finished the first draft of my next (4th) book. Yay! The story is down, but there's still a fair way to go before it will be ready for publication. I was aiming for 100,000 words and the story has come in at around 97,000, which is great, and will sit nicely with the other books in the series. I've lots and lots and lots of editing to do now, which I've already begun. Mrs R has started reading it, too, and so far so good. I'll be sending it to my editor at Amazon Publishing next month - and then holding my breath!

Something else I wanted to share is that I had a very nice surprise during the week when a UPS van pulled up out outside my house and the driver delivered a big box of books. The new Thomas & Mercer edition paperbacks of In the Blood have arrived ahead of their general release on March 18, and I must say, I think they look amazing. The vivid colours really pop out, and the satin finish is very classy. Needless to say, I'm over the moon with them and can't wait to receive the other books now. I know they're going to look great side by side, and I'll be sure to post some more pictures once I have the set.

Click images to enlarge


  1. Brilliant... don't they look posh?! The matte finish and newly designed cover looks really classy.

    Reading through your post my mind chipped in with this odd thought, 'Bugger! If I'd not read the first three yet I could start now and be ready for the 4th one...'

    My mind is a law unto itself... but I certainly looking forward to the publication date!!

  2. You could always read(re-read) the new and improved T&M editions in the run up to the new book release, Gill. ;o)

  3. Wow! They look great! Can't wait for the next book. So glad you are to the point of editing.

  4. Phew! Me too, Cairn. :o) Feels like I've reached the top of the mountain now and heading back down again. Then on to the next mountain, lol.

  5. Congratulations, Steve! I am - as you know - really looking forward to your next book! And I will for sure buy the paperbacks to have on my shelf to enjoy! (even though I love my Kindle, I also love to have my favorite books as books!

  6. Thanks Laila. I just received the paperbacks for the other two books and can say without reservation that they will look great together on your bookshelf. :o) The fourth book cover will be designed by the same team as well, so it will fit in nicely. I'm hoping to post some more pictures at the weekend so you can see them together.
