Friday 28 February 2014

More book cover photos - all three new editions together

The Last Queen of England - Thomas & Mercer Edition

As promised last week, here are some photographs of the new paperback edition of my third book, The Last Queen of England, which is out next month on March 18. For me, this cover marks the greatest change from my original cover image, and much for the better I think. It's closer to how I originally imagined the cover, but I was unable to reproduce it with the tools at hand. I love the movement provided by JT in the top half of the image. It says he's going to be doing some running around in this book and he certainly does plenty of that. I also wanted to get those binary digits in, and I think Amazon Publishing did a great job with them. It says there's a puzzle at the heart of this story, which the original cover also failed to get across. I like the image I made for the original cover, of the statue of Queen Anne with St Paul's Cathedral in the background, but it never really shouted thriller to me, which I feel this new cover definitely does. It gives you a glimpse of what to expect before you start reading, which of course is what a book cover should do.

Shot on location in my kitchen. :o)

Also as promised, here are a some photos of all three of the new T&M edition books together. I can't wait to see the fourth book alongside them now, but I'll have to be patient for its release later this year. I'm thinking dark blue for the next cover, with a silvery title and some fog, but we'll see.


  1. I really love them Steve, they look amazing! I now have a need to have them on my bookcase despite already having all three in the original paperback version!!! X

  2. Awesome, Em! Actually, they are a little different from the original editions, due to further editing with the publisher. Same stories though, of course. ;o)

  3. Just finished "Last Queen of England " there has to be a follow up book ,yes ? When will be out ? pins and needles till then !

    1. Hi, and thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying the series. Book four, The Lost Empress, will be out later this year. The release date hasn't been set yet, but I'll be sure to post it on my blog and website as soon as I know.
